Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Sagittarius Success

Hi Jordan,

Though ignorant, I know I am reaching the pinnacle of my success. I refuse to fail, I will get to my destination. Advice is always welcome and strongly desired. 


Hello Jonathan,

Success is defined differently for every soul.  Success can be internal or external (soul's evolution verse material gain), and the question is which success are you working toward attaining?  It is wonderful to attain everything you wish for in this life, but have you done so at a cost of your spiritual evolution?  Do you harness the virtuous behavior in your daily life or does temptation exist in your thoughts and actions? 

There is an inner peace that one creates when he or she recognizes the power of releasing the desire to win at all costs and takes a step back and reflects on the inner soul.  Your soul is pure and full of love, and sometimes that purity is tarnished by the desire to attain things in this life.  Free will exists to create endless opportunities for each person to define and redefine their choices in life.  Ultimately, it is the choices one makes each day which determines the path of destiny for the person.  Karma can be considered a direct result of one's thoughts and actions. 

One can harness the power of the light and attain all the external goals he or she wishes for.  Perhaps it takes a bit longer or is more difficult to do but there is an endless reward of living in the light that many find to be a priceless victory.

Love and Light,
Jordan Canon
Spiritual Advisor