Sunday, September 28, 2014

Which Action Do I Take?

Hello Jordan,

I invested lots of love faith hope and light into my life spiritual growth and 4 business projects and not one of them worked. I need money to support my kids schooling and to live. I do not no which direction to take now. What can I do to help myself? 

Thank you!

Hello Sarah,

Thank you fro writing in and it is wonderful that you're focusing on spiritual growth.  The power of the universe is limitless and though at times it may seem as if the universe is not present in one's spiritual growth - it is.  The website doesn't provide answers to direct question on what to do, but rather helps teach people how to harness the power of the light to realize dreams and evolve to a higher level.

When everything seems to be going wrong, often there is a wonderful opportunity to take an introspective look and work toward a new or existing goal with a redefined plan.  Spiritual evolution is about investing energy, but it is what type of energy is invested that is key.

Perhaps you may want to visit the website more often and let the words on the pages guide you toward a new plan - a new way of perception and new way of working toward what it is you wish to achieve.  When you look at your children and see their faces, think about how much love is in their eyes and let your soul guide you toward a new step.

Groundhog day is a movie that has a unique lesson from the universe.  You see, every soul has a unique set of gifts but the yang of the gifts is each soul also has a unique set of challenges to overcome throughout his or her lifetime.  Every person is different so the challenges are different for each person.  Some people anger easy, while others are more slow to act, and then there are some individuals who hold vanity or greed above feeling love and light.  These are just a few examples of unique challenges a soul may feel.  In the movie, the actor experiences the same day over and over until he learns to overcome his own soul's weaknesses.  Like the movie, the universe has a way of providing an environment for us that will provide the opportunity to not only recognize what challenges are soul was meant to work on, but also the opportunity in the environment to overcome, to grow to a point where one day the environment changes and one is free.

Perhaps your personal reading could provide insight to you on your unique challenges and once identified, the process of spiritual evolution can help you develop a plan to overcome your soul's challenges.  Evolution is not something that happens overnight but gradually, a change can be recognized and the more connection you feel with your soul - the more you will be able to tap into your inner beauty and soul's gifts. Evolution is about the journey.

What you may also find is that you are led to the path that will help you discover which direction you wish to take - which direction will free you from the daily stresses and allow you to live in continual light and love.

And remember, the possibilities are limitless.  Believe in yourself and your ability!  Temptation is sneaky in its way to try to bring you away from the light. The light is stronger.  One day you may just turn around and smile because the impossible not only became possible, but became your reality.

There are links in this message for some pages that might be of interest to you. 

Love and Light,
Jordan Canon
Spiritual Advisor