Sunday, September 28, 2014

Which Action Do I Take?

Hello Jordan,

I invested lots of love faith hope and light into my life spiritual growth and 4 business projects and not one of them worked. I need money to support my kids schooling and to live. I do not no which direction to take now. What can I do to help myself? 

Thank you!

Hello Sarah,

Thank you fro writing in and it is wonderful that you're focusing on spiritual growth.  The power of the universe is limitless and though at times it may seem as if the universe is not present in one's spiritual growth - it is.  The website doesn't provide answers to direct question on what to do, but rather helps teach people how to harness the power of the light to realize dreams and evolve to a higher level.

When everything seems to be going wrong, often there is a wonderful opportunity to take an introspective look and work toward a new or existing goal with a redefined plan.  Spiritual evolution is about investing energy, but it is what type of energy is invested that is key.

Perhaps you may want to visit the website more often and let the words on the pages guide you toward a new plan - a new way of perception and new way of working toward what it is you wish to achieve.  When you look at your children and see their faces, think about how much love is in their eyes and let your soul guide you toward a new step.

Groundhog day is a movie that has a unique lesson from the universe.  You see, every soul has a unique set of gifts but the yang of the gifts is each soul also has a unique set of challenges to overcome throughout his or her lifetime.  Every person is different so the challenges are different for each person.  Some people anger easy, while others are more slow to act, and then there are some individuals who hold vanity or greed above feeling love and light.  These are just a few examples of unique challenges a soul may feel.  In the movie, the actor experiences the same day over and over until he learns to overcome his own soul's weaknesses.  Like the movie, the universe has a way of providing an environment for us that will provide the opportunity to not only recognize what challenges are soul was meant to work on, but also the opportunity in the environment to overcome, to grow to a point where one day the environment changes and one is free.

Perhaps your personal reading could provide insight to you on your unique challenges and once identified, the process of spiritual evolution can help you develop a plan to overcome your soul's challenges.  Evolution is not something that happens overnight but gradually, a change can be recognized and the more connection you feel with your soul - the more you will be able to tap into your inner beauty and soul's gifts. Evolution is about the journey.

What you may also find is that you are led to the path that will help you discover which direction you wish to take - which direction will free you from the daily stresses and allow you to live in continual light and love.

And remember, the possibilities are limitless.  Believe in yourself and your ability!  Temptation is sneaky in its way to try to bring you away from the light. The light is stronger.  One day you may just turn around and smile because the impossible not only became possible, but became your reality.

There are links in this message for some pages that might be of interest to you. 

Love and Light,
Jordan Canon
Spiritual Advisor

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Sagittarius Success

Hi Jordan,

Though ignorant, I know I am reaching the pinnacle of my success. I refuse to fail, I will get to my destination. Advice is always welcome and strongly desired. 


Hello Jonathan,

Success is defined differently for every soul.  Success can be internal or external (soul's evolution verse material gain), and the question is which success are you working toward attaining?  It is wonderful to attain everything you wish for in this life, but have you done so at a cost of your spiritual evolution?  Do you harness the virtuous behavior in your daily life or does temptation exist in your thoughts and actions? 

There is an inner peace that one creates when he or she recognizes the power of releasing the desire to win at all costs and takes a step back and reflects on the inner soul.  Your soul is pure and full of love, and sometimes that purity is tarnished by the desire to attain things in this life.  Free will exists to create endless opportunities for each person to define and redefine their choices in life.  Ultimately, it is the choices one makes each day which determines the path of destiny for the person.  Karma can be considered a direct result of one's thoughts and actions. 

One can harness the power of the light and attain all the external goals he or she wishes for.  Perhaps it takes a bit longer or is more difficult to do but there is an endless reward of living in the light that many find to be a priceless victory.

Love and Light,
Jordan Canon
Spiritual Advisor

Friday, June 20, 2014

Am I doing my Highest Good by being a Solitary Practitioner?


I am studying Wicca and have been since November 1, 2013. I had been feeling a huge disconnect with my Spiritual Mentor for some time. We set up a day & time that was convenient for both of us to meet and talk. When I walked in the door I immediately felt the tension and negative energy in the room. Unknown to me there were two other people invited to this discussion. When the discussion started it was not my Spiritual Mentor who lead it but one of the other ladies present. I was accused of many different things that were not true and were a heard it through the grapevine type of deal. The following day I sat down with my husband and discussed the conversation. The biggest thing that hurt my heart & soul was when my Spiritual Mentor stated she does not have the time to teach Wicca nor does she want to teach anyone Wicca at this point in her life. I have been teaching myself through books, a Wicca 101 class with a wonderful teacher, and taking classes on Witch School International. I am the type of person who can never get enough Spiritual Knowledge and always want to learn more. My husband and I decided that it was in my best interest and for my Highest Good to no longer attend functions with this group. I have made the decision to be a Solitary Practitioner at this point in my life. The guidance I am asking from you is only by reading my situation that I am standing in my truth and doing what is for my Highest Good. 

Thank You & Blessed Be, 

Hello Monica,
Thank you for taking the time to write in and share your feelings.  Spiritual Counseling on this website is not meant to provide anyone with my opinion on any situation.  The counseling is meant to help you and any other soul who writes in to learn to look within and allow your inner self to guide you to the answers your searching for.  As one evolves their soul, there are many situations that will arise that lead to uncertainty and to many questions on which path to take.  Its finding the answers within your own heart and soul that lead to further evolution.  Free will is a gift that provides you the ability to choose which path is best for you and your soul's further evolution.   
Perhaps you may want to spend some time reading through your personal astrology reading and work to connect the reading and the words in it to your current situation. 
Often, there are situations that arise that when one looks back at his or her reading, his or her soul can connect to the reading and use it to guide him or her.  

Love and Light,

Jordan Canon 
Spiritual Advisor 

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Overcoming Addiction Issues

Hello, Jordan. 

Firstly I would like to thank you ahead of time for any advice you are able to give. I also want to thank you for sharing your wisdom, and for the wealth of information you provide. I can only imagine how many lives you've changed for the better.

I'm not sure exactly whe to start, and I don't want to overload you either so I'll try and get it all out as quickly as possible. Your newsletter I just received about addiction, has really moved me... Up until I graduated high school, I considered myself to uphold my morals and values, which were abstinence, absolutely no drug, alcohol, smoking, etc. I was very active; participated in virtually every sport I could while maintaining excellent grades and also doing AP classes. 

I'm really not sure what happened.... But it seems like over night everything changed and I no longer recognized myself. At first the drug use, etc were phases. It was out of control until I realized I would likely die if I didn't get away from that life which is what I did. I called a friend and moved out of the country for quite sometime and got sober and regained control of my life.

When I came back, it started up again until I was 21 and a miracle happened, I got pregnant. (When I was 15 I was told I would likely not be able to). So again I sobered up, and it changed my life.... My childhood was virtually non existent due to circumstances that forced me to mature at a very young age,so I was determined to give her what I didn't have. I became a real estate agent and was good at it.

I won't get into details but circumstances involving my health and family back home (I moved to Seattle when I was 15 apart from my family) and long story short, I lost my daughter. I moved back to Indiana and ever sense have lost total control of my life. I don't even know really who I am anymore, I've completely alienated myself and prefer it that way. The pain I feel is so intense that I feel drugs are my only escape.... And I've become so angry and lost. Have no clue where to begin or even who to turn to and feel so alone.

Do you have any tips on how I could begin transforming my life?

Thank you again for your time,

Hello Heather,
First, let me express my deepest sympathy in the lose of your daughter.  Losing a child could be considered one of the most challenging paths a person endures.  Pain and adversity challenge even the strongest of souls. 
The spiritual counseling provided is meant to help souls learn and grow and work toward changing an aspect of himself or herself so as to evolve the soul that exists within.  It doesn't however offer the same guidance that drug rehabilitation and counseling provided by licensed medical providers. 
You may want to consider a couple of suggestions so that you can work toward a path of healing.  A personal reading is a free service the website offers that is a direct communication with your soul.  The reading highlights all the strengths and weaknesses that exist for your soul, as well as highlights the many possible paths that exist for you throughout your lifetime.  I say possible, because what path one travels down is ultimately determined by the countless choices one makes, or rather how one uses the amazing gift of free will.  Another suggestion is to consider seeking professional help for your addiction.  Once the choice is made to battle addiction, the key is what steps a person takes to create a victory.  Addiction is a form of temptation and once temptation has hold of a soul, it does everything in its power to hold onto it.  However, the light is stronger than temptation and can win if one works to fight from its grasp.  This may not happen overnight, but it can happen if you want it to and decide to put effort and energy to defeat it. 
No matter what choices you made in the past, today is a new day and if you choose, today can be the day that you stand up and choose to create a new future for yourself.  If your life could be similar to a blank canvas and you could work to create a totally new future (similar to how an artist starts with a blank canvas and creates his or her masterpiece), where would you see yourself in 3 years?  Do you wish to be drug free and on path of your new future?  Spiritual evolution is a spiritual way of working toward any future goal, big or small.  Consider the process of spiritual evolution kind of like a "How to" harness the light and use spirituality to work toward your soul's evolution.   
Please feel free to write in for guidance as you learn about the information on the website.

Love and Light,
